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Alfaisal President HE Dr Mohamed Alhayaza presents a souvenir to KFIP winner Prof. Joris Veltman

Alfaisal President HE Dr Mohamed Alhayaza presents a souvenir to KFIP winner Prof. Joris Veltman.JPG Alfaisal President Dr. Mohammed Alhayaza, VP Dr. Faisal Almubarak, and Dean Bajas Dodin with guestsThumbnailsKing Faisal prize winners and their guests touring Alfaisal 2Alfaisal President Dr. Mohammed Alhayaza, VP Dr. Faisal Almubarak, and Dean Bajas Dodin with guestsThumbnailsKing Faisal prize winners and their guests touring Alfaisal 2Alfaisal President Dr. Mohammed Alhayaza, VP Dr. Faisal Almubarak, and Dean Bajas Dodin with guestsThumbnailsKing Faisal prize winners and their guests touring Alfaisal 2
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